i4F终止与两位制造商的专利许可协议:Shanghai Hanna和Anhui Hanhua
即时发布 – 2022年12月14日,星期三
i4F 终止与两位制造商的专利许可协议:Shanghai Hanna 和 Anhui Hanhua
i4F terminates licensee agreements with two manufacturers: Shanghai Hanna and Anhui Hanhua
- i4F继续实施强力措施以保护其专利和其他被许可方
- i4F continues vigorous enforcement program to protect its patents and other licensees
HAMONT, BELGIUM – i4F®,一家专注地板行业专利和技术解决方案的集团,今天宣布其将终止两个专利技术使用许可协议,即其与上海正润实业发展有限公司(Shanghai Hanna Material Co. Ltd.)以及安徽韩华建材科技股份有限公司(Anhui Hanhua Building Materials Technology Co. Ltd.)的协议。协议终止基于 i4F 的合规措施、审计和市场检查结果并立即生效。
HAMONT, BELGIUM – i4F®, a group of companies providing patents and technologies to the flooring industry, today announced the termination of two license agreements. One with Shanghai Hanna Material Co. Ltd. and the other with Anhui Hanhua Building Materials Technology Co. Ltd. These terminations, effective immediately, follow the application of i4F's compliance program, audit findings and sweeps.
i4F 在市场例行检查过程中发现了在美国和加拿大门店内在售的,出自 Shanghai Hanna 未贴标签的 i4F 直落式锁扣产品。
Unlabeled products featuring i4F drop-lock technologies from Shanghai Hanna were identified during i4F’s ongoing sweep program, involving in-store purchases in the US and Canada.
Shanghai Hanna 及 Anhui Hanhua 屡次表现出不合作的行为,包括不完整不充分的申报和逾期付款。Anhui Hanhua 并拒绝就审计结果达成一致。
Shanghai Hanna and Anhui Hanhua repeatedly demonstrated non-collaborative behaviors, including incomplete or inadequate reporting and late payments. Anhui Hanhua refused to settle on the findings of the audits.
i4F 的积极规范市场措施,旨在确保所有 i4F 技术,包括 3L Triplelock® 和 Click4U®、以及它管理的其合作伙伴的技术不受侵权、或在没有适当许可协议的情况下不被使用。这确保了 i4F 专利客户在享有最先进的行业创新成果方面保持领先,且不会遭受来自未获许可产品的不公平竞争影响。i4F 在市场检查中还会仔细审查标签合规状况,确保每一箱含 i4F 锁扣系统的产品正确贴用 L2C 防伪标签。
i4F’s active compliance program is designed to ensure all i4F technologies, including 3L Triplelock® and Click4U®, as well as those it represents on behalf of its partners, are not infringed upon, or used without the appropriate license agreement. This also ensures that i4F licensees remain first in line with accessibility to the most advanced industry innovations and do not suffer unfair competition from unlicensed/infringing products. As part of this, labelling compliance is also scrutinized during the sweeps to ensure every box of products incorporating an i4F locking is properly labelled using a L2C i4F holographic label.
i4F 将继续竭尽所能实施其全球专利战略,保护其专利客户、专利和技术,为被许可方提供强大广泛的专利保护。
i4F continues to do everything in its power to safeguard its licensees, patents and technologies around the world by implementing a patent strategy providing licensees with a strong and broad scope of patent protection.
David Song
关于 i4F:
i4F® 是一家致力于地板行业专利和技术研发的高新技术集团,其专利组合包括地板安装和墙板安装、材料配比、表面处理、数字印刷、强化地板以及板材生产技术的知识产权。i4F 与行业内知识产权先锋企业 Classen, Kronospan, HMTX, CFL Flooring, Tarkett, Kingdomfloors, Li&Co, Benchwick, QuickStyle Industries 以及 Hymmen 建有战略合作关系。公司的旗舰技术 3L TripleLock®,Click4U® 和i-Click4U® 锁扣技术为地板安装提供了独特的整体直落式锁扣安装系统,短边安装不再需要额外的塑料插条。该技术适用于 SPC、EPC、 LVT、强化地板、多层实木地板和实木地板,i4F 已经在全球 100 多个国家为其相关技术申请了专利保护。